//1st Review
So I've been taking Reduze Pro for almost 2 weeks now and I'm almost halfway through my pills.
I took 3 pills a day, which was the quick route, for the first week.
I wanted the course to last longer, so I switched over to 2 pills now.
On the first day I took, I did see a weight loss, but it was quickly gained back because my eating habits and exercise, or lack of, did not change. (I was not told that I have to exercise or what)
And I just weighed myself like 5 seconds ago, and surprise, surprise, 56.4kg.
Which is, mind you, an increase of 0.6kg lolllll.
I'm still gonna continue taking it because it's worth $128 and no harm (I think).
My trips to the toilet did however increase.
My appetite has not changed. I did however, became more resilient to hunger and am able to tahan hunger pangs better.
We'll see how it goes when I finally measure my weight again, tummy, thigh and arm at the end.
For now, I'm putting on weight. Hopefully muscle weight. From? From eating too much.
//2nd Update (FINAL)
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