Haven't posted since March...
In my defense, I have been really busy with school work & work.
Have started work at a student care centre managed by my tuition teacher.
It's a 5 days work thing with only like 4-6 hours each day.
It's pretty flexible which is good because of school.
I started it in April but am currently on a month long hiatus due to my increasing school work load...
So life pretty much sucks right now because I have no income, which means I have to stop. shopping.
Nope, not good at all.
Also, I'll be going for another family trip in August/September to Aussie, and Z's birthday is in October. So I'll have to start saving up...
Oh well, can't wait for this sem to end and I can continue working!
Speaking of this sem, one of my mods, Campaign Management, requires me to work with a client to come up with a whole PR campaign. Thank god it's a group project. But it still doesn't take the pressure and load off.
Have about another 3 weeks' time till the end of this sem! But that also means exams and presentations...
But, but, but...! At least I have my Aussie trip to look forward to!
Oh well, am stuck in school because of an assignment which I just submitted.
Have another assignment due next week which I have only completed 10% of...
Jesus, give me a break!
I don't, don't, DON'T understand people who say that studying is sooo much better than working.
I've done both and honestly, work is more for me...
Just can't wait to get my cert and go out there to work.
And face the world of grown ups' problems. Yay..........
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